
How To Build a Minimum Viable Product in Agile?

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August 3, 2023
* min read

Minimum viable products are an essential part of agile development. MVPs allow teams to stay flexible and directly address user needs instead of focusing on unnecessary features. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of a minimum viable product in agile, provide an agile MVP checklist, and include a step-by-step guide to creating an MVP in agile. 

What is a Minimum Viable Product in Agile?

In agile development, a minimum viable product (MVP) is a strategy used to quickly develop and release a basic version of a product with only the necessary features that meet primary needs of end users. The goal of creating an MVP is to validate the product's viability and gain feedback from real users early on without wasting time and resources on developing a product people aren’t interested in. MVP in agile is a great tool that allows teams to test their assumptions, receive user feedback, and iterate on the product based on user data. 

Agile Minimum Viable Product Checklist

Key characteristics of a minimum viable product include:

Minimum features

An MVP includes only the core features that are essential for the product to be functional and deliver value to users. It avoids non-essential bits to focus on the most critical functionalities that make the product ready for testing. 

Fast development

In agile, the emphasis is placed on rapid development, which allows the team to get the product into the hands of users as quickly as possible and start gathering feedback.


An MVP is specifically designed to address the needs of the target users. It provides the minimum set of features that solve a specific problem or meet a particular need.


The main purpose of an MVP is to get feedback from real users. This feedback is used to understand user preferences, and pain points, and to guide further development.

Iterative development

Building an MVP is often the first step in an iterative development process. As feedback is collected, the product can be refined and improved in the next iterations.


By focusing on the minimum features required, an MVP reduces the risk of investing significant time and resources in a product that may not resonate with users.

Market validation

An MVP helps validate the product's market demand and potential. It allows businesses to test hypotheses, make data-driven decisions, and create an effective product roadmap. 

How To Create a Minimum Viable Product in Agile?

Creating an MVP in agile requires a structured approach that focuses on delivering the core features quickly to gather user feedback and validate assumptions. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an MVP in Agile:

1. Identify the problem

Begin by thoroughly examining the specific user problem or task you want to adress with your product. Conduct market research, gather customer feedback, and analyze data to gain insights into user pain points and requirements.

2. Define MVP objectives

Set clear and measurable objectives for your MVP. Determine what key metrics or goals you want to achieve through its release. These objectives will help you stay focused and measure the success of your MVP while also staying flexible and open to feedack. 

3. Prioritize features

Identify the essential features that are necessary to address the problem. Engage stakeholders such as potential users and team members to prioritize the features based on their impact and feasibility.

4. Create user stories

Convert the prioritized features into user stories that define the functionality from the user's perspective. User stories should be clear, concise, and specific to guide the development process effectively.

5. Estimate and plan

Collaborate with the development team to estimate the work required for each user story and plan the development iterations (also called “sprints”) accordingly. You can use techniques like story points or planning poker to estimate the complexity of each feature.

6. Develop the MVP

Start building the MVP by focusing on the core features identified in the user stories. Resist the temptation to add non-essential features during this phase so that you can release faster.

7. Test early and often

Start rigorously testing the MVP as soon as possible to gather user feedback. Conduct usability tests, interviews, or surveys to understand how users interact with the product and identify potential pain points.

8. Iterate and improve

Based on user feedback, identify areas of improvement and iterate on the product. Use the insights gained to refine the features, enhance user experience, and make necessary adjustments.

9. Maintain simplicity

Keep the MVP simple and avoid overcomplicating the product. Complexity can lead to longer development cycles and delays in gathering feedback. Focus on delivering a functional solution that addresses the core problem.

10. Communicate with stakeholders

Keep stakeholders, including the development team, management, and potential users, informed about the progress and the feedback received. Regular communication helps manage expectations and ensures everyone is aligned with the project's objectives.

11. Release and monitor

Once the MVP is developed and tested, release it to the target audience. Monitor user behavior and gather data to measure the success of the MVP against the defined objectives. Use analytics tools and user feedback to assess its performance.

12. Plan for the next iteration

Use the insights gained from the MVP to plan the next iteration. Consider adding new features, improving existing ones, or addressing any shortcomings identified in the initial release.

13. Embrace continuous improvement

Agile development is iterative by nature. Embrace a culture of continuous improvement, where each iteration builds upon the previous one. Continue to gather feedback and iterate on the product to create a valuable and customer-centric solution.

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